Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue Moon and the End of a Decade

Tonight, there will be a second full month in the same month and this phenomena is known as a "blue moon". This doesn't happen very often and of course, it is the end of the first decade in the 21st Century.

I am very happy to be celebrating both these events. Ten years ago, it was a different story for me as I was starting my battle against a health monster. It was hard, it was frightening and it was the most intense time of my life.

Looking back is always easier than looking ahead as you know the outcome. Since that time, I have lost friends and family to the same monster; Mary Ellen, Mike, Kim, Donna and Martha. And I think of fellow bloggers Jane and Sherri who are now taking on the same battle.

I am grateful every day of my life and I will be celebrating and remembering all my dear friends and family this New Year's Eve and always.


  1. Julie, may the next decade bring you improved health and great memories of friends and family. I plan to take my rug hook out this evening and bless it in the light of this rare and wonderful moon. Can't hurt! ;) Jo

  2. Have a happy and healthy New Year, Julie!
    jill in Ontario

  3. All the best Julie. I'm so glad we met in this virtual world!

  4. All the best in the new year Julie! I didn't realize you were a "C" survivor.

    So far the blue moon has not been kind to us ... hopefully things will turn in the right direction once it's over with. :)

  5. Hauntingly beautiful.. the blue moon. Julie, So glad to have met you this of the better things that happened for me! Happiness to you and yours this New Year! Cathy G
