Anyone who knows about horses, knows that is definitely not true. During the winter, our neighbour houses two horses in his barn which is really his garage. Lately, the horses when inside, have been kicking and kicking. I think they feel spring in the air and want to get out and kick up their heels.
Today is P's 59th birthday and on this auspicious day, she is in St. John's and meeting with the heart surgeon who will perform a miracle on her defective heart valve.
Do you ever wonder about the people you trust with your life. What kind of year have they had? Do they have any health issues? And the obvious, how much they drink the night before the big day?
Many times per day, we trust our lives in the hands of perfect strangers and never give them a second thought. The truck driver in front of you, the bus driver, the pilot, the mechanic, and yes, the surgeon.