Monday, June 20, 2011

Just Another Day the beautiful Bay of Islands. The weather though, has been horrible. You can count the warm days we have had since May on one hand or even less. The only thing growing seems to be weeds.

This picture proves that beauty and art can be found anywhere, if you look hard enough. I am almost finished the border on the View From My Window and already thinking of the next project.

But first, a couple of UFOs need to completed before I get ahead of myself. A gemini trait? Oh by the way, I celebrated another year of wonderful life on this earth and as my dear mother says, I wouldn't have missed it for all the riches in the world.


  1. Julie, Happy belated birthday. I agree, every year we get another one is a blessing. The numbers are irrelevant.
    That photo is beautiful - you should enlarge it and frame it. I love it.
    The weather has been horrible. Normally by this time the furnace would be on vacation but the dang thing is running every day.

  2. Hi Julie,
    And Happy Belated B-day from me too! I love your Mother's saying..... should hook that into a rug!
    We haven't had that many warm days here either. Today is cool but the mosquitos don't seem to mind!
    I think Kim is right about framing that photo! Gorgeous!
    Hope you get some better weather soon!
    Cathy G

  3. Happy, happy birthday! I'm looking at 50 this year...but I'm excited by all birthdays! Our weather has been up and down. It was a beautiful, picture-perfect summer day today which I got to spend at the beach...while working! I love your photo, too!
    Can't wait to see what you have brewing for your next rug!

  4. Julie ~
    Happy, happy belated birthday!!!
    Yes, that photo is gorgeous and if we didn't know they were dandelions, we'd all be wanting them for our gardens!
    Pug hugs :)
