Monday, December 21, 2009


This is the scene on Sunday morning from my deck overlooking the beautiful Humber Arm of the Bay of Islands.

Gorgeous reflections which always remind me that we should reflect on the past year and give thanks to the Creator for all the gifts and challenges we have had. Sometimes, I marvel at how fast time passes and wonder if I am on the right path to the place where I am supposed to be headed.

Everyone, sensing their own mortality, dreaming of Christmases past and future. Reflections of lives lived.


  1. Julie,
    You have captured the special feeling so well here. It truly is a time to think of the Christmases that have gone and the ones to come.
    As an agnostic person, I still find it the most spiritual time of year. Commerce aside, I think it's the sense of wonder that we never outgrow, and this is the time that reminds us of our childhood the most.


  2. What a gorgeous view! Lucky you! Love the words as well.
